In April I wasn’t very busy and for the majority of it I was in Nivala. In the first week my friend came to visit and I showed them around Nivala (which didn’t take long ahaha). We took a train to Oulu for the day and met up with my third host sister and her cousin who showed us around. We got to see some other exchange students as well and it was a really nice day. During the rest of the month I hung out in Nivala. I went to the “beach”, rode my bike and did things with my host family and school friends.
I decided to go to this 24 hour school camp where we slept in the classrooms overnight which was so fun. We learnt about how to run a business and although I couldn’t understand majority of what they were saying it was a great camp and I made a lot of closer friends there.
In the beginning of April there was still quite a lot of snow on the ground and days were pretty cold still, but by the end the snow had melted a lot but there was still some ice on the ground. I didn’t need to wear such warm clothes and we had some days that were so warm, even 10 degrees on a few days. I could start riding a bike to school and being outside a lot more.
I think this month has been one of the best because even though I didn’t really go many places I was so happy. I learnt how to be happy with such small things like having a warm, sunny day or riding my bike at sunset. I also got a lot happier because I made a lot more school friends than I had before or became closer with them. I have come to love this town so much and it really feels like a second home.
– Jess
Lovely, being with your host family and meeting friends in host country, experiencing their everyday life is what exchange is really about 🙂
So happy that you are happy Jess xxx